
Plantar Fasciitis: “I want a new foot”

Heel pain. Ugh. It’s excruciating first thing in the morning. Sitting is fine but the first 20 steps afterwards is terrible. It gets worse the longer you stand. Running is

Running the Skyline Trail

It’s been an unusually hot and dry Edmonton summer so far and with travel restrictions easing, we are noticing a lot of our patients are taking time off to enjoy

I have osteoarthritis but I’m pain-free!

Initially, you notice a bit of stiffness in the mornings, but it resolves quickly. Long walks are the only activity that bothers your knee. Over time, pain is triggered by

Do Lumbar Discs Heal?

Low back pain of discogenic origin is a challenging condition to manage. It can be slow to improve and its high pain severity can be extremely disabling. The pain is

An Interview with A Running Coach

Four years ago, I had the privilege of meeting Matt Norminton, the running coach of the Running Room Athletic Club (RRAC). I was ready to return to racing and I wanted

Process Goal Setting

In my last blog, I showcased some strength exercise ideas in preparation for skiing the Birkebeiner. Two months and no snow later (saved for the last few days), most of

An Interview with Alecia Kallos

I would like to introduce to you, Alecia Kallos. She recently won the 10km race during the Edmonton Marathon race weekend two weeks ago in a personal best time of

“What Exercise is Good for…”

As a Physiotherapist, one of the most common questions I am asked by family, friends, and neighbors during casual conversations is what exercises are good for whatever is ailing them