Sports Injury Physiotherapy Edmonton

At Elevation Physiotherapy in Edmonton, we help athletes recover from sports injuries through our comprehensive sports injury physiotherapy program.

Our experienced physiotherapists understand the unique demands of sports on the body and work with athletes to treat and prevent injuries. Through a combination of hands-on therapy, exercises, and education, we help athletes improve their strength, flexibility, and coordination to get back to their sport safely and effectively. Whether you’re a weekend warrior or a professional athlete, our sports injury physiotherapy services can help you recover and perform at your best.

Common Conditions Treated By Edmonton Sports Injury Physiotherapy:

Sports Injury Treatment at Elevation Physiotherapy

At Elevation Physiotherapy, you benefit from our collaborative approach, providing you with 5 minds and 10 hands to guide you on your journey to recovery. Our team of physiotherapists creates a supportive and learning-rich environment to ensure you receive the best care possible.

We will be relentless and persistent in solving your mobility limitations and challenges until we achieve the “elevation” you desire. Our dedicated team will work tirelessly to help you regain your optimal range of motion and function.

At Elevation Physiotherapy, we understand the fear and frustration that can come with returning to sports post-injury. Our family of physiotherapists welcomes you with open arms, providing unwavering support and helping you build the confidence needed to get back in the game.

Through our personalized treatment plans and empowering approach to patient care, we equip you with the tools and knowledge necessary to take control of your recovery journey. Our dedicated team offers full and undivided attention, ensuring you receive the help needed to overcome setbacks and reach new heights in your athletic performance.

“As a runner, so many of my problems are complex. With Albert, I feel confident that my concerns are heard and that he works at getting to the root of the problem, rather than just focusing on my symptoms. Albert works with me to come up with a treatment plan that coincides with my training schedule and he ensures that I understand the exercises and how they help to reduce pain and build strength. I leave each session with a plan to treat the issue as well as tools to stay strong and healthy. Since working with Albert, I’ve been able to run the most consistent mileage ever.”
Alecia K.
36:31 10km Runner