May 4th: The Return of In-Clinic Physiotherapy Visits

       Masked up, Scrubbed up

To our valued patients,

Effective May 4th, 2020, our Clinic will be accepting patients for in-Clinic visits once again.  However, throughout this global pandemic, TeleRehabilitation appointments will remain available.

Once again, please ensure that you are not experiencing any symptoms of fever, cough or cold or flu-like symptoms on the day of your appointment nor have you been in contact with any one who have had such symptoms. Also, you should not have been out of country or been in contact with such persons within the last 14 days.

Your health and safety and that of our staff remain our highest priority. If you are not able to attend or do not feel comfortable in attending an in-Clinic appointment, we strongly encourage you to utilize TeleRehabilitation as an excellent alternative. For the past 5 weeks, we have demonstrated immense value with this innovative approach to delivering physiotherapy care.

I anticipate that before this pandemic is over, we will experience many more stops and starts to our practise from our Chief Medical Office of Health. Don’t struggle alone. We are a phone call away. We look forward to seeing you either in-Clinic or on-line.

You have our best wishes during this time.

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