Concussion Physiotherapy in Edmonton

Elevation Physiotherapy offers specialized Concussion therapy and assessment services to support individuals recovering from head injuries.

Elevation Physiotherapy offers Concussion Assessment and Treatments to support individuals recovering from head injuries. Concussion therapy involves personalized treatment plans designed to alleviate symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, cognitive difficulties, vision and balance issues. Our skilled therapists use various techniques, including manual therapy and exercises, to address specific symptoms and promote recovery. Additionally, our comprehensive concussion assessments include evaluations of cognitive function, balance, strength, range of motion and readiness to return to play and work.  


Common Conditions Treated By Edmonton Concussion Physiotherapy:

Concussion Treatment at Elevation Physiotherapy

At Elevation Physiotherapy, our collaborative team of therapists offers comprehensive care to help you overcome concussion-related challenges. By working together, we tailor personalized concussion physiotherapy treatments to alleviate symptoms and improve your overall well-being.

Elevation Physiotherapy ensures you receive the guidance and care needed to address cognitive difficulties. We are relentless in our mission to solve limitations and challenges as a result of concussion-related injuries.

Through physiotherapy services, Elevation Physiotherapy empowers you to thrive and regain control over your recovery process. Our team provides the tools and support needed to address visual disturbances, helping you understand your condition and achieve successful outcomes.

Through specialized physiotherapy services, Elevation Physiotherapy empowers you to thrive and regain control over your recovery process. Our team provides the tools and support needed to address visual disturbances, helping you understand your condition and achieve successful outcomes.

If any of the above challenges are adding to the burden of your concussion recovery process, Elevation Physiotherapy is here to provide comprehensive support. We can address these emotional challenges and incorporate strategies to help you manage and overcome them effectively. Trust Elevation Physiotherapy to guide you toward a successful recovery process that prioritizes both your physical and emotional well-being.