Introducing Our New Staff!

Welcome to our Autumn 2019 blog!  We hope you had a fantastic summer and that you have plans to remain active as we approach the fall season. Here at Elevation Physiotherapy, we have much to celebrate. This summer, we welcomed 2 new staff members to our Clinic.

MaryMary Bazzarelli joins us after having worked in St. Albert for over 20 years. She has been practising for over 24 years. Mary has a special interest in treating low back problems especially low back disc injuries that have affected the nerve roots (called lumbar radiculopathies). She brings a wealth of experience plus also an infectious energy and passion to the Clinic. She has been a joy to work alongside. As the saying goes, to become better, surround yourself with great people and Mary is such a person. Mary is also available on Saturday mornings which means we now provide both Physiotherapy and Massage Therapy Services on Saturdays from 8am to 1pm.

LorelLorel Hammerstad joined our staff in August as a Registered Massage Therapist. Along with Ty Henry, we now have a formidable Massage Therapy team!  Our Clinic places a strong emphasis on inter-professional collaboration and so what sets our Massage Therapists apart is their close working relationship with our Physiotherapy staff. Together, you can feel assured that you are surrounded by a team that communicates, collaborates and innovates on your behalf. There is incredible strength and value in the shared decision making process when your team is strongly advocating on your behalf.

Last but not least, Kristen Harris completed further training in Dance Physiotherapy in New York City where she learned from a world renowned Dance Physiotherapist, Lisa Howell. Kristen graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Dance pridancersor to her Physiotherapy degree. She is passionate about the prevention of injuries in dancers and the optimization of their performance through physiotherapy. If you are a dancer and if you are struggling with ongoing injuries, be sure to consult with Kristen!


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